Statistical analysis of trends in Battery Electric Vehicles: Special reference to vehicle weight reduction, electric motor, battery, and interior space dimensions
Electric vehicles (EVs) are increasingly being used, as they are more environmentally friendly than conventional vehicles with internal combustion engines (ICE). Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) can be said to have zero exhaust emissions only if the electricity used to drive these vehicles is obtained in an environmentally friendly way. It is common knowledge that BEVs have a significantly higher overall mass than conventional vehicles. The significantly higher total vehicle weight of BEVs can have various adverse effects on energy consumption during movement and the vehicle's dynamics. In contrast to the negative aspects of BEVs, there are also positive aspects that are primarily related to the comfort of drivers and passengers, considering the main fact that they do not require the presence of a floor tunnel. In this paper, trends related to BEVs in the previous five years were statistically analysed. Changes in average sizes related to BEVs are shown, primarily internal dimensions that can be of crucial importance when deciding between BEVs and conventional vehicles. In the paper itself, other important trends are presented, both for the electric motor itself and for the batteries used in BEVs.
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