Research on the impact of automotive sources on the immission of specific size fractions of particulate matter in a street canyon
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Politechnika Warszawska Instytut Pojazdów
Automotive Industry Institute, Environmental Protection and Natural Energy Use Department
Publication date: 2018-06-29
The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2018;80(2):19-35
The article presents results of empirical survey of the immission of specific size fractions of particulate matter as well as carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides in the street canyon area in Warsaw in a summer month. The data characterizing the weather conditions and motor vehicle traffic intensity, collected during the survey, were also examined. The data subjected to the analysis included measurement results obtained from the “Warszawa-Komunikacyjna” Air Quality Monitoring Station in Warsaw at Aleja Niepodległości 227/233 and results of measurements carried out at the same place by PIMOT with the use of a TSI dust meter. The immission of the PM10, PM2.5, and PM1 particulate matter fractions was examined. It was found that automotive sources exerted a marked impact on the immission of various particulate matter size fractions, especially fine dusts. The correlational interdependence between the immission of particulate matter PM10 and the immission of nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide was also studied, based on results of measurements carried out at the Air Quality Monitoring Station. The correlation was found to be weak, probably because of the measurement method used. The correlational examination of the immission of individual particulate matter size fractions, based on measurement results obtained with using a dust meter, showed the correlation to be very strong. In general, pollutant emission from motor vehicles was found to have a considerable impact on the particulate matter immission in the street canyon area, especially on the immission of fine dust fractions.
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