Remuneration in the Road Freight Transport Sector within the EU Countries
Data publikacji: 28-09-2018
The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2018;81(3):65-74
The paper outlines problems of employment and social issues of transport policy in the EU. The aim of the contribution is to highlight the existing problems regarding of driver remuneration in the road freight transport sector. It identifies differences in the social field of drivers by hypothesis testing and points to the fact that in the western part of the EU, the driver profession is significantly higher in the wage than the middle and eastern parts of the EU. Individual states are putting pressure on wage increases in international road transport by national regulations to reduce the competitive pressure of lower prices for carriers located in the central and eastern parts of the European Union. These problems occurring on the road freight market are mainly due to the inconsistent payroll burden and the different levels of average wages across EU Member States.
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