Numerical strength study of ultra-light composite seat frame destined to passengers transport
Department of Strength of Materials, Lodz University of Technology, Polska
OKB sp. z o.o., Polska
Data nadesłania: 04-11-2021
Data ostatniej rewizji: 01-12-2021
Data akceptacji: 14-12-2021
Data publikacji: 30-12-2021
Autor do korespondencji
Leszek Czechowski   

Department of Strength of Materials, Lodz University of Technology, Stefanowskiego, 90-537, LODZ, Polska
The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2021;94(4):5-15
The paper concerns numerical study of the ultra-light seat frame serving transported patients in ambulance. The structure of seat was designed to be built of the carbon fibers, aluminium and steel. The present prototype distinguishes itself with low mass and high strength. During modelling, the stress state and displacement state were verified based on requirements according to regulation ECE14. In simulation, solid, beam and connection elements were employed to consider all the parts of structures. The analysis of the stress state verification based on the assumptions of boundary conditions close to regulation ECE14. The isotropic materials were considered to be in elastic range. In case of composite materials, TSAI-WU (TSW) criterion for assessment of strength was taken into account. Five different variants of seat were taken into consideration to indicate the differences between them. The paper includes the results of analysis of composite structure under static loads which were shown and discussed.
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