Nonlinear method of precrash velocity determination for Mini car class-B-spline tensors products with probabilistic weights
Institute of Machine Design and Operation, Wrocław University of Technology
Institute of Vehicles, Warsaw University of Technology, Polska
Data nadesłania: 05-02-2020
Data ostatniej rewizji: 15-03-2020
Data akceptacji: 24-03-2020
Data publikacji: 30-03-2020
Autor do korespondencji
Adam Mrowicki   

Institute of Machine Design and Operation, Wrocław University of Technology
The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2020;87(1):97-108
Following research paper introduces a nonlinear method of determining the velocity of a vehicle before the impact-the Equivalent Energy Speed (EES) for mini car class. To estimate the magnitude of EES, this method utilizes the deformation work Wdef of the vehicle, defined by the quotient of deformation coefficient Cs and plastic deformation. Currently used methods assume linear relationship between velocity, deformation and mass of the vehicle. New approach estimates such relation by means of three dimensional surfaces. Such mathematical model is based on data provided by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) that covers full frontal collisions with a rigid barrier. Vehicles take part in a standardized collision and are being crashed at a known velocity. Then the deformation is measured in six control points. Method introduces the B-spline tensor products and least square approximation with probabilistic weights that shows promising results. Linear approach generates relative error of 18.2% whereas the nonlinear approach reduces it down to 11.2%.
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