Neutralization of CMR documents
Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Texas at El Paso
Department of road and urban transport, University of Zilina, Slovak Republic
Department of road and urban transport, University of Zilina
Data nadesłania: 24-02-2019
Data ostatniej rewizji: 19-03-2019
Data akceptacji: 22-03-2019
Data publikacji: 29-03-2019
Autor do korespondencji
Miloš Poliak   

Department of road and urban transport, University of Zilina, Slovak Republic
The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2019;83(1):175-184
In 1956, there was an important step in international road freight transport. The CMR Convention, the main purpose of which was to unify the rules for the international transport of goods and thereby promote the development of international trade, was concluded. From a practical point of view, this is of great importance to both carriers and transporters. Similarly, this Convention describes the most important document for the carriage of goods and that is the consignment note CMR. In recent times, the term neutralization has been used in conjunction with this document in transport. We want to clarify the importance of this word in transport. The aim is also to find out to what extent carriers have real experience with CMR neutralization and when transporting what kind of goods the most frequent neutralization of documents is used. The purpose of this contribution is to explain what the term neutralization in transport means, because there is no legal regulation or norm to define it. This term is used mainly in chemistry. Furthermore, we would like to verify the hypothesis that the neutralization of consignment note CMR is actually used in international road freight transport and whether neutralization is only used for a particular type of goods, such as electronics. To verify the hypotheses we conducted a survey at the carriers.
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