Mobility of the metrobus. Ways of improvement
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Department of building, roads, recovery, agricultural machines and equipment, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Ukraine
Department of Automobiles, National Transport University, Ukraine
Submission date: 2020-03-05
Final revision date: 2020-08-10
Acceptance date: 2020-09-27
Publication date: 2020-10-13
Corresponding author
Oleh Zinoviyovych Bundza   

Department of building, roads, recovery, agricultural machines and equipment, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine
The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2020;89(3):61-73
In this article it is offered the ways to improve the maneuverability of three-link metrobuses by choosing a rational layout scheme and design parameters of its trailer units. Considering that the movement of the metrobus is carried out on direct routes, that is, the maneuverability of the metrobus is appropriate to determine by the overall traffic lane (OTL) size. OTL equal to the difference of the radii of rotation of the points of the train, the farthest and closest to the center, that is, the difference of the overall radii of rotation - the outer (Rz=12,.5 m) and internal (Rv=5,.3m). The methodology for calculating OTL is based on determining the angles of assembly of the road train links and the offset of the driven links trajectories relative to the trajectory of the master. Maneuverability indicators of the three-link metrobus are defined on elastic in the lateral direction wheels. Studies were performed for one-way rotation and ISO maneuvering with the obtained trajectories of links and the overall traffic lane of a metrobus with guided and unmanaged trailer links.
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