Too low an operating speed of trailer air braking systems may lead to an inhibition of the braking asynchrony of agricultural tractor trailer units. Improved braking dynamics advanced braking systems with an electronic control unit (e.g. Trailer EBS) provide a more rational solution for high speed agricultural vehicles. In this paper, an overview of other methods for developing the dynamic properties of air braking systems for agricultural trailers is described. This paper provides an examples of braking system design parameters optimization, using a variety of accelerating valves and dynamic properties correcting devises, also as well, by using simple systems with an electronic controllers. The described methods of dynamic properties improvements can be used to improve the speed and operation synchrony of the air braking systems of low-speed agricultural trailers. The paper presents the influence of some of the described methods, with different levels of complexity, on the properties of typical air braking systems.
Studies have been carried out in the framework of the work No S/WM/1/2018 and financed from the funds for science of MSaHE.
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