Measuring the behavioural loyalty of garage customers
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Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom
Publication date: 2018-03-30
The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2018;79(1):37-52
This study was undertaken: (1) to quantify the behavioural loyalty of garage customers and (2) to identify the formal characteristics that differentiate this loyalty. When examining a hypothesis that the level of behavioural loyalty of garage customers is low, it was found that as many as 58% of the customers surveyed were characterized by a high level of loyalty, because the value of the L coefficient was equal to or higher than 0,75. In consequence, the first hypothesis could not be confirmed. Another hypothesis was also considered, which stated that there exist formal criteria capable of differentiating the behavioural loyalty of garage customers; in this case, nine out of the ten formal criteria under analysis were found to differentiate the loyalty to a significant degree. Thus, the second hypothesis was confirmed. A practical implication of this study is the identification of customer groups that are differentiated from each other by the level of their loyalty; thanks to this, garage managers may be enabled to choose marketing-mix tools in a better way. The author’s contribution and novelty of the paper consist in the concept of measuring the behavioural loyalty of garage customers and in the segmentation results obtained.
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