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3/2017 vol. 77

Comparative analysis of automotive starting batteries in the aspect of diagnostics research

The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2017;77(3)
Publication date: 2017-09-30
Downloads: 25
Views: 51

Is the representation of transient states of tyres a matter of practical importance in the simulations of vehicle motion?

The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2017;77(3)
Publication date: 2017-09-30
Downloads: 17
Views: 45

Assessment of the influence of the advanced emergency braking systems on pedestrian safety

The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2017;77(3)
Publication date: 2017-09-30
Downloads: 41
Views: 83

Testing capabilities of a new test rig, with a planetary gear unit examined as an example

The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2017;77(3)
Publication date: 2017-09-30
Downloads: 13
Views: 37

Analysis of the local accident hazard in individual regions of Poland

The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2017;77(3)
Publication date: 2017-09-30
Downloads: 25
Views: 35

Influence of roadside illuminated advertising on drivers’ behaviour

The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2017;77(3)
Publication date: 2017-09-30
Downloads: 60
Views: 153
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