Impact of Significant Factors on Assessing the Technical Conditions of Vehicles at Technical Inspection Stations
Department of Road and Urban Transport,, University of Zilina in Zilina, Slovak Republic
Department of Audit, State Supervision and Oversight, Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic
Transportation Planning and Traffic Management Department, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University in Belgrade, Serbia
Data nadesłania: 23-01-2020
Data ostatniej rewizji: 02-03-2020
Data akceptacji: 03-03-2020
Data publikacji: 30-03-2020
Autor do korespondencji
Branislav Šarkan   

Department of Road and Urban Transport,, University of Zilina in Zilina, Univerzitná 1, 01026, Zilina, Slovak Republic
The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2020;87(1):33-46
The paper analyses the assessment of the technical condition of vehicles at technical inspection stations in the Slovak Republic in the period of 2007 – 2019. There are described the legislative conditions for assessment of the technical condition of vehicles at technical inspections stations in the Slovak Republic. Data from technical inspections and defects within all technical inspection stations was recorded in the nationwide information system. These data was used as base for the next analysis. This paper also describes the possibilities for detection of deficiencies at technical inspection stations, and in the final part the impact of expert supervision on the operation of the selected technical inspection stations was analysed. The paper also examines significant factors affecting the assessment of the technical condition of vehicles at technical inspection stations in the Slovak Republic. The first factor represents legislative measures introducing more sophisticated technical means to control technical inspection stations, and the second factor is technical supervision by supervisory authorities over technical inspection stations.
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