Forensic and manufacturer aspects of VIN production and location on motor vehicles
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Department of forensic science and criminalistics, University of Finance and Administration, Czech Republic
Submission date: 2018-12-09
Final revision date: 2018-12-18
Acceptance date: 2018-12-20
Publication date: 2018-12-31
Corresponding author
Roman Rak   

Department of forensic science and criminalistics, University of Finance and Administration, Estonska, 500, Prague, Czech Republic
The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2018;82(4):131-142
A vehicle identification number (VIN) is an unambiguous, globally unique vehicle identifier. The paper describes principles for its location on a vehicle, the method of its making (manufacture) and, last but not least, types of protection against negative factors to ensure that its identification value is preserved and, simultaneously, the process of identification inspection of a vehicle is clear, fast and efficient. The text analyses various views on VINs from the point of view of vehicle manufacturers, administrative bodies (that use vehicle identification in nationwide vehicle registers) and law-enforcement bodies during the investigation and gathering of evidence of car crime. The basic identifier of a vehicle in automotive, police, forensic as well as administrative practice (vehicle registration and its use for the purposes of state administration) is a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), which is defined in international standards. A VIN is a globally unique, unrepeatable identifier that is unique for each manufactured vehicle.
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