Examining the braking energy recovery in a vehicle with a hybrid drive system
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Cracow University of Technology, Institute of Automobiles and Internal Combustion Engines
Publication date: 2015-07-15
The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2015;68(2):49-60
Results of examining the braking energy recovery in a passenger car with a hybrid system driving the front wheels have been presented. The tests were carried out on a vehicle with a series-parallel system, which combined an internal combustion engine with an electric motor. Such a system makes it possible to change the electric motor operation mode so that it becomes a generator, which charges a high-voltage battery with the use of the vehicle braking energy. The battery charging current was measured at braking with various vehicle deceleration values. The algorithm of controlling the battery charging current, the share of the energy recovered in the total braking energy, and the power of the regenerative braking in relation to the total braking power demand were analysed. The instantaneous power demand at braking on a horizontal road with a low rolling resistance coefficient was determined. The share of the electric power in the energy balance of the braking process as well as the demand and recovery of energy during this process were examined.