Editorial guidelines for the layout, structure, and preparation of a paper

  • Preparation of the paper structure

    The main guidelines regarding the construction of the paper structure have been given below. Please also read the information contained in the "Reviewing procedure" tab, to prepare an paper for publication correctly. We encourage all those whom it may concern to get acquainted with the details related to this subject and given in an EASE document entitled “Guidelines for Authors and Translators of Scientific Articles to be Published in English”. The guidelines have been translated into 28 languages and all the language versions are available from

    1. Title
      The title should reflect the content and purpose of the paper and be as concise, specific, and clear as possible (it should not contain abbreviations); it should not have the form of a question.

    2. Authors’ names
      Full names and surnames of all the authors should be specified.

    3. Affiliation
      The affiliation should be defined by specifying the places of employment of all the authors and an e-mail address of at least one of them.

    4. Abstract
      The abstract should consist of 150 to 300 words and briefly present the article content. It is important that it should specify the work objective, research method, major findings, and conclusions emerging from the research having been carried out. It should not refer to tables or graphs; it should not include citations, either.

    5. Keywords
      The paper should be provided with 3 to 5 keywords (from whole to the part).

    6. Article body
      The text should be divided into sections (numbered) and should include introduction, description of research methods, research results with discussion, as well as recapitulation and conclusions. The illustrations should be placed in the text and, additionally, submitted as separate files in bitmap formats (such as JPEG, GIF, TIFF, etc.), in 300 dpi resolution.

    7. Acknowledgements
      The acknowledgements should include information about the financial contribution of external sponsors to the research carried out.

    8. References
      The bibliography should be prepared following the Vancouver style and organized in a numbered list, corresponding to the order of citation or alphabetically, at the end of the document. Within the text, include bibliographic references by placing numbers in square brackets.

  • Paper formatting
    The paper should be formatted in compliance with Editorial Team’s guidelines defined in the MS Word file.

  • Translation
    Please submit paper texts written in British English, BE.
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