Marek Jaśkiewicz, Editor-in-Chief

Kielce University of Technology
Al. Tysiaclecia Panstwa Polskiego 7
25-314 Kielce
Phone: +48 41 34 24 344
Fax: +48 41 34 24 48 698
Master of Science / 2001
Cars and Tractors
Kielce University of Technology / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PhD / 2007
Machine Design and Maintenance
Kielce University of Technology / Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering
Post-doctoral / 2015
University of Zilina / Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications
Kielce University of Technology
02/2006 - present
Academic teacher
Scientometric data
Kielce University of Technology ID
Marek Jaśkiewicz got the Master’s degree in 2001 at the Kielce University of Technology (Poland), the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in the Cars and Tractors field of study. He got the PhD degree in October 2007 at the Kielce University of Technology (Poland), the Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering in the discipline of Construction and Exploitation of Machines. His doctoral thesis was entitled "Simulation studies of the protective action of active headrests". In 2015 he got a Post-doctoral degree at the University of Zilina (Slovakia), based on the post-doctoral thesis entitled "The impact of human and technical aspects on vehicle transport safety". From 2006 he works as an associate professor at the Kielce University of Technology in the Department of Automotive Vehicles and Transportation. The basic area of his scientific activity includes the problems of vehicle safety and biomechanics of the human body injuries in car collisions. The additional area of his scientific activity concerns the issues of machine dynamics, transport systems as well as the issues of car diagnostics.
His scientific activity results in a total of 162 publications. He is the author or co-author of chapters in 13 monographs. He is the co-author of 3 academic books and 1 course book and 3 chapters in academic books. The results of his research were presented at 55 national and international scientific conferences. He is also the co-author of 11 patents, including 2 implemented. He was the academic supervisor of about 90 graduates. He was the manager of the research project financed by the National Center for Research and Development in Poland and the member of the research team in many research projects. He is the member of many national and foreign scientific and technical societies. He was the organizing committees member of many international scientific and technical conferences. He is the chairman of the Organizing Committee of the annual International Conference “Automotive safety”. He received 11 foreign trainings and 1 year-long training in Automotive Industry Institute in Warsaw. For his achievements in scientific and teaching work, he was rewarded by the Rector of the Kielce University of Technology and by the Marshal of the Świętokrzyskie Province as a prizewinner of the competition "Swietokrzyski Racjonalizator/Innovator of Swietokrzyskie Province”.
Teaching Activities
• Academic supervisor of the Vehicle Transport specialty in the Transport field of study 2016/2017, Kielce University of Technology,
• Academic supervisor of the complementary course for getting the competence of a certified entrepreneur in the Transport field of study, Kielce University of Technology,
• Academic supervisor of two PhD students at the Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering, Kielce University of Technology,
• From 03/2017 member of the Scientific Council for PhD students at University of Žilina, Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications,
• From 10/2018 member of the Council of the Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications of the University of Žilina,
• From 10/2016 member of the Council of the Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering of the Kielce University of Technology.
Other achievements
• academic supervisor of the “KLAKSON” Student Research Group, 2007 – present,
• member of the Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Kielce Branch, 2007 - 2008,
• member of the Kielce Scientific Society, 2011 - present,
• secretary and treasurer of the Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Kielce Branch, 2008 - 2009,
• treasurer of the Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Kielce Branch, 2009 – present,
• member of the Organizing Committee of 4th, 5th and 6th Conference "Safety issues in motor vehicles”,
• secretary of the Organizing Committee of 7th, 8th and 9th “Safety issues in motor vehicles”,
• chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 10th International Conference "Automotive Safety 2018",
• secretary of the Organizing Committee of the 3rd International Conference “Issues of operation and management of sustainable transport",
• member of Polish Scientific and Technical Exploitation Society,
• member of Czech Scientific and Technical Diagnostic Society,
• member of Scientific Council of Slovak scientific and technical journal "Transport and Communications",
• member of Scientific Council of Polish scientific journal "Technical Issues",
• member of Scientific and Program Committee of 14th/11th International Scientific and Technical Conference “Human protection in the work environment. Operation of machines and devices. Integrated management systems: Quality-Environment-Safety-Technology”.
• member of Scientific and Program Committee of 15th/12th International Scientific and Technical Conference “Human protection in the work environment. Operation of machines and devices. Integrated management systems: Quality-Environment-Safety-Technology”,
• member of Scientific and Program Committee of 16th/13th International Scientific and Technical Conference “Human protection in the work environment. Operation of machines and devices. Integrated management systems: Quality-Environment-Safety-Technology”,
• member of Scientific Committee of the International Scientific Conference "INFO-TRANS 2015",
• member of Scientific Committee of the 7th International Scientific Conference CMDTUR - Zilina 2016,
• member of Scientific Committee of the 16th “International Technical Systems Degradation Conference 2018"
• member of Scientific Committee of the 8th International Scientific Conference CMDTUR - Zilina 2018,
• member of Scientific Committee of the 17th “International Technical Systems Degradation Conference 2018",
• chief editor of the journal "The Archives of Automotive Engineering".
Modernization or construction of new laboratory test benches:
• modernization of the laboratory test bench - SBUH,
• determining the dependence of power on wheels and percentage using of brakes as a function of rotational speed on a chassis dynamometer in the constant rotations mode,
• determination of engine parameters (power, torque) on the chassis dynamometer in the road mode,
• determination of the fuel consumption characteristics on the chassis dynamometer,
• determination of engine parameters (power, torque) on the chassis dynamometer in inertial mode and dynamic load,
• design and implementation of bucket seat and four-point seat belts for the passenger car,
• design of the didactic bench describing construction and operation of the hydraulic steering system,
• design of the didactic bench describing construction and operation of the clutch,
• design of the test bench for the simulation of the overturn of the car with weight up to 3.5 tones,
• design of the didactic bench to assess the quality of window used in vehicles,
• design of the didactic bench describing construction and operation of shock absorbers with magnetorheological fluid,
• design of the didactic bench describing construction and operation of shock absorbers used in passenger cars,
• design of the didactic bench describing construction and operation of a brake force corrector,
• design of the didactic bench describing construction and operation of an active suspension,
• design of the didactic bench to assess the state of operating fluids used in vehicles,
• design of the didactic bench to assess the technical condition of the paintwork of vehicles.
Cooperation with industry
• Cooperation with INTAP Company within the project INNOTECH-K1/IN1/37/152593/NCBR/12 Integrated selection of seat and belt fastening properties as well as energy-consuming features of the chair and headrest, implementation period 2012-2014
• Cooperation with Globtrak Polska Company within the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020, Innovative system supporting estimations of vehicle insurance risk dedicated for UBI (Usage Based Insurance), implementation period 2018-2020