Draft of Freight Transport Car Parks Facilities
School of Civil and Construction Engineering, Oregon State University, United States
Department of Road and Urban Transport, University of Zilina, Slovak Republic
Department of Economics, University of Zilina, Slovak Republic
Data nadesłania: 01-09-2019
Data ostatniej rewizji: 17-09-2019
Data akceptacji: 20-09-2019
Data publikacji: 30-09-2019
Autor do korespondencji
Miloš Poliak   

Department of Road and Urban Transport, University of Zilina, Slovak Republic
The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2019;85(3):41-47
The contribution deals with a problem of road trucks parking sustainability. The road freight transport is presently the most significant mode of transportation in frame of inland freight transport. The White Paper on Transport supposes in-creasing of transport to 80 per cent in 2050 compared to the year 2010. The sup-posal of transport increasing is fulfilling in real practise and is followed by in-creasing number of trucks in road infrastructure. To ensure the safety and sus-tainability of transport it is necessary to built not only higher roads capacity but also the infrastructure for cars parking that is connected with safety breaks and drivers’ rest ensuring. On the other hand, the increasing drivers´ demands on rest causes also the increasing demands on parking places. Authors in the first part introduce a review of available approaches for establishment of the parking places in the world. They analyze problems depending to parking in United States, Japan and Germany. In the next part the authors deals with a parking facilities for freight transport. Drafts are processed on the base of own authors´ research.
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