Assessment of the danger arising from an impact against a mobile computer present in the space between bus seats during a road accident
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Military University of Technology
Automotive Industry Institute
Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego, Wydział Mechaniczny, Instytut Pojazdów Mechanicznych i Transportu
Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego, Wydział Mechaniczny, Insty-tut Pojazdów Mechanicznych i Transportu
Publication date: 2018-03-30
The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2018;79(1):23-36
Passenger seats are one of the most important parts of bus equipment. For the sake of passengers’ comfort, buses are increasingly often provided with small tables to support a mobile computer, laptop, or tablet in a position convenient for the user of a device of this kind. However, this may be an important source of a hazard during a road accident, especially for children. The objective of this work was to assess the danger that would arise from an impact against a mobile computer and to develop calculation methods that would facilitate the identification of such a hazard as one of the accident effects. The research carried out with this objective in view will help to learn some relations between the seating layout, positioning of the said supports, and anthropometric characteristics of bus passengers. A multibody computer model was built, where a fragment of the passenger compartment of a bus with three seats inclusive of integrated seatbelts was represented. The kinematics of motion of the models of an adult and a child in the space between seats during a frontal impact of the bus against an obstacle was explored. Special attention was paid to the possibility of face injuries resulting from an impact against the surface or front edge of the laptop. The limitations resulting from the possible head movements in the space between the seats as well as the influence of changes in the seat spacing on the velocity and angle of impact of passenger’s head against the computer were taken into account.
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