Application of Rectification Method for Processing of Documentation from the Place of Road Accident
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Institute of forensic research and education, University of Zilina, Slovak Republic
Institute of Forensic Research and Education, University of Zilina, Slovak Republic
Faculty of security engineering, Department of Technical Sciences and Informatics, University of Zilina, Slovak Republic
Submission date: 2020-02-13
Final revision date: 2020-05-06
Acceptance date: 2020-05-11
Publication date: 2020-06-30
Corresponding author
Pavol Kohút   

Institute of forensic research and education, University of Zilina, 1. Maja 32, 01026, Zilina, Slovak Republic
The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2020;88(2):37-46
This paper is focused to explain the usability of the rectification method on the place of road accidents. Rectification is a method, using which a documentation after road accidents is processed for further analysis. In praxis often occurs a situation, where is necessary to find a certain value out from the place of road accident retroactively. Original conditions at the place of road accidents are in many cases non-repetitive. As next could happen, that measured distances given by the police units, which are responsible for documentation at the place of road accident, are with significant deviations. But with precise photography documentation, the required information can be reached using rectification method. For further photography processing was used software PC Rect. Paper deals with the methodological process for photography preparation and its rectification, and also includes evaluation of accuracy of this method in graphic charts. From performed measurement it is obvious, using which method should be photography taken in order to achieve the smallest possible deviation in the current condition.
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