Analysis of the influence of the car impact velocity on the loads of the dummies in the front and rear seats
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Military University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publication date: 2018-09-28
The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2018;81(3):159-176
It was considered an influence of the velocity, at which the passenger car hits into the obstacle on the dynamic loads of the dummies in the front and back seats. For this purpose, the results of 28 crash tests published on the Internet by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (U.S.A.) were used. The crash tests of 14 models of the cars were conducted at two values of the impact velocity, at which the cars hits into a barrier (40 and 56 km/h, as well as 48 and 56 km/h). It was shown an influence of the impact velocity on the car deceleration and their deformation specification. It was paid attention to the loads of a driver and a passenger in the front seats (dummies representing a 5-centile men and 5-centile woman) and the passengers in the back seats (dummies representing a 5-centile woman and a 6-year-old child). During an evaluation of the dummy loads were employed the indicators of biomechanical impedance of the human body in respect of the effects of the impact loads related to the head, neck and chest. It was determined that an increase of the velocity at the moment of hitting into an obstacle from 40 km/h up to 56 km/h results in the increase in the risk of serious injury (AIS3+) of the 5-centile woman from 30÷60% to 35÷90%. Increasing the velocity at which a car hits an obstacle from 48 km/h up to 56 km/h results in the increase in the risk of severe injury of the 50-centile woman from 25÷40% to 30÷55%. It was emphasised that the effectiveness of the airbag may depend on the impact velocity, at which car hits the obstacle.
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