“Interactive Power Devices for Efficiency in Automotive with Increased Reliability and Safety” – the European Project Concerning the Main Automotive and Transport Application Domains
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Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication
Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering
DEST sp.j.
Automotive Industry Institute, Electronics and Acoustics Laboratory
Publication date: 2015-09-29
The Archives of Automotive Engineering – Archiwum Motoryzacji 2015;69(3):31-64
The overall objective of the IDEAS project is to develop advanced packaging for power supply components and new generation memory systems applicable to Electric and ICE propelled vehicles, with paying attention to considering also the aspects that have not been addressed yet in the running ENIAC and ARTEMIS Automotive projects. A major challenge related to electronic devices in the automotive applications is the reliability of power supply systems which must be capable to assure the functionality of subsystems in all operating conditions, inclusive of ageing. The control systems, which rely on multi-core microcontrollers and complex software architectures, require increasingly stringent constraints from the memory devices which need to be designed for very high bandwidth, speed and reliability. In the following thesis, a few aspects of the IDEAS project will be presented: a review of important factors that affect the reliability and life-cycle endurance of NAND flash memories, multispeed gear application in electric drives and its influence on the energy efficiency. The problem of electromagnetic compatibility of electronic devices will also be dealt with in the paper.    
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